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College Opening Hours

Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 5:00PM



Mission Statement

“De La Salle College, Waterford, is an all-boys Catholic school. It is a learning community where all students are valued and educated in preparation for a meaningful life”.

The purpose of this College is to give a human and Christian education to the young. Inspired by the vision of St. John Baptist De La Salle, the Lasallian school prepares young people to take a mature and productive place in society, and the church as free and responsible citizens.


De La Salle College, Waterford was founded in 1892 by the De La Salle Brothers and serves as a Catholic school for boys. The aim of De La Salle College is to develop an atmosphere of friendliness, discipline and co-operation where everyone can experience respect, encouragement and support. While every school is a community in which adults and young people live and work together, the Lasallian school is inspired by the vision of St. John Baptist De La Salle, that Gospel values must permeate the life of a Christian school in such a way that students internalise those values and reflect then in their behaviour.

All who work in the College constantly strive to make De La Salle College a welcoming institution. Our behaviour management strategies and pastoral care structures are built on the principles of justice and fairness. We endeavour to fulfill our mission in partnership with parents/guardians, staff, students, trustees and the community.

The purpose of this College is to give a human and Christian education to the young. Inspired by the vision of St. John Baptist De La Salle, the Lasallian school prepares young people to take a mature and productive place in society, and the church as free and responsible citizens.

Message from the Principal


As a former pupil of St. Declan’s primary school I was delighted to be appointed to the position as principal of De La Salle College. The college is under the trusteeship of Le Chéile. Le Chéile Schools Trust is comprised of the schools of fifteen religious congregations. The aim of the Trust is to carry on the legal, financial and inspirational role of trusteeship that has, up until recently, been done by individual congregations. At the heart of our educational outlook is a strong Lasallian tradition. It gives me great pleasure that there are still De La Salle brothers in residence in the school. The influence of these men and their predecessors can be felt in the corridors of the school.

The school has a rich tradition of excellence in learning and teaching and extra-curricular activities. I have been impressed by the welcome of a committed staff who take pride in their professionalism and in their students.  It is clear that the school’s prestigious reputation is founded on the strong partnership that exists between the school, parents/guardians and the local community, where all stakeholders endeavour to enable each student reach their optimum.

De La Salle College is an inclusive Catholic school that welcomes students of all faith traditions and of no faith tradition, students of all abilities, in a wide range of activities ranging from academic, sporting, dramatic, musical, cultural, artistic, scientific and spiritual activities to name but a few.

When one becomes a De La Salle student he joins a community that includes De La Salle Brothers, teachers, SNAs and auxiliary staff who really care about him– his academic and personal success, your intellectual and spiritual growth and your potential to make a positive difference in the world. Through our commitment, opportunities are provided for our students to enhance their self-esteem, develop leadership, a sense of responsibility, a civic commitment and a spirit of loyalty.

The College strives to support and develop initiative, self-confidence and the ability to work independently. Excellence in the academic, cultural, musical and sporting areas is encouraged, recognised and celebrated. In the Lasallian tradition, guided by our founder Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, the student is at the centre of all that we do. Our pastoral care and student support system supports student development in an environment based on positivity and in harmony with the vision and Catholic values of the College, enthusiastically pursuing excellence within each student’s capabilities, establishing and maintaining quality relationships and providing leadership opportunities at all levels.

Students are encouraged to constantly seek and speak the truth and to strive for justice in our world. These values are very important for our boys and it is hoped that where boys learn in an environment that respects and accepts these values they will shape their lives according to these values. Close and valuable relationships are established within the school to help students develop qualities that are important both at school and later in life – qualities such as enthusiasm, commitment, independence, competence, loyalty, cooperation and collaboration.

My wish for all our students is that they will all reach their potential and that they will look back on their school days in De La Salle College with fond memories and a network of friends they can be proud of and depend on in times of need. The strength of our school comes from the faith parents/guardians place on us in the school. Thanks to all those who have had, and continue to have this faith in a truly rounded education. When young boys begins their post primary school journey here in De La Salle College it is our hope that they will finish their days at the College as a rounded young man who will take up his place in society with a passion for life, a commitment to excellence, a focus on service, a sense of community and an appreciation of God’s love.

It is our privilege here in De La Salle College to share in the education and development of each student who comes through our doors.

Mick Walsh.


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